The construction of the museum was submitted to the Minister of Transport in 1977 as one of the requests of the local Shibayama town in connection with the opening of Narita Airport.
In response, in October 1978, the Ministry of Transport requested the Japan Aviation Foundation to conduct a study and study regarding the construction of a museum, in order to make the museum a reality. In June 10, the Foundation for the Promotion of Aeronautical Science was established as the entity responsible for the construction and operation of the museum, and with the cooperation of the New Tokyo International Airport Authority (at that time), it was responsible for planning the construction and exhibitions, providing funding and Research work on the exhibits progressed, and the museum opened in August 1984.

At that time, the world's leading aviation nations established aviation museums and displayed valuable materials to convey the history of aviation to their citizens, deepen their understanding and recognition of aviation, and contribute to the development of the aviation world. .
Japan's aviation business has undergone dramatic development since the resumption of civil aviation in 1952, and its achievements have come to attract attention from all over the world. There was a strong request for an introduction and an exhibition of the historical background of the aviation world.
For this reason, the Foundation aims to educate young people in particular about scientific knowledge related to aviation, contribute to the dissemination of aviation philosophy and the promotion of aviation science and technology, and at the same time contribute to the development of Japan's aviation industry. We decided to build the ``Aviation Science Museum'' as a facility to disseminate aviation ideas.

111-3 Iwayama, Shibayama-cho, Sammu-gun, Chiba Prefecture
(Adjacent to Narita Airport)
① Site area 51,530 m²
②Total floor area 3,750 m²
Breakdown: Exhibition Education and Extension Department 2,150 m²
Administration department, etc. 1,600 m²
2 stories above ground, 1 part 5 stories (observation tower)
(1) Collection of materials such as actual objects, models, illustrations, monuments, literature, etc. related to aviation
(2) Establishment and operation of aviation science museums, etc.
(3) Holding seminars, lectures, tours, etc. related to scientific knowledge related to aviation
(4) Publication of publications related to scientific knowledge related to aviation
(5) Research and research on the advancement and development of aviation science and technology
(6) Other business necessary to achieve the purpose of this corporation